Sunday, February 6, 2011

Listening Skills = Better Couple Communication

Exceptional listening skills and the ability to persuade others to your way of thinking make the difference between good and great relationships. 

Pure listening builds trust, intimacy,respect and credibility . One reason is that when you fully listen instead of trying to compose your response, the result is a relevant and on-target response. 

What you say when you do respond is proof of how well you listen to your partner.  It also affirms them, letting them know you are actively engaged and that you have heard what they said.

Just Because

Give your mate gifts ""just because." These do not have to be expensive whatsoever. For example, one woman had a miniature dish collection in her kitchen. Her husband came home and told her that he had a gift for her. Holding out her hand, he gently placed in her hand a miniature porcelain cup with her name neatly written in blue ink. She knew that this cup probably cost no more than $2.00 but the thought that he would take the time to find something she enjoyed, was worth $1 million. The small gifts packed with thought are far more cherished.