Saturday, April 9, 2011

Washington Needs An Enema!

"What Washington needs is adult supervision."
President Barack Obama

Washington needs an enema starting with the new House Republican majority leader Speaker John Boehner. Boehner and newly elected "Tea Party" republicans have gone too far in threathing a shutdown of the government. With millions of Americans homeless,out of work and our troops at war in Afghanstan, a drawdown in Iraq, unrest around the world and these idiots are determined to play partisan politics.

The president is correct it's time to man up, it should not be business as usual. With our fragile economy and yet unstable housing market and banking system, these fools are so out of touch with the people they say they represent. I challenge them to give up their fat pay checks, warm homes and steak dinners and live like the people they claim they are in Washington to repersent.

Make no mistake about it these politicians are in the pockets of the lobbyists and those who've contributed to their election campaign. Many if not all of these newly elected "Tea Party" cronies haven't got a clue as to what they were sent to Washington for. I mean let's face it there out to be term limits and just because they serve one term they ought not be entitled to retirement benefits or full health care benefits, should they?