Sunday, January 9, 2011

Listen, Really Listen

Get into a habit of listening to what your mate is saying. Not the kind of listening that you do when you go out or sit at the dinner table, but a different kind of listening. Have you ever overheard your mate make a comment to a friend or family member about something they really want or want to do? Maybe you heard your boyfriend or husband tell a friend that they would love a certain tool. For no reason whatsoever, make a special effort to get that for him. You might have heard your girlfriend or wife mention a spa that they would love to try. Again, without any reason, surprise her. This shows that your mate is really paying attention to things important to you.

Go On A Date

Especially for married couples, but even for some "dating" couples, start dating.  Often people become very comfortable in their relationship and sitting around on the weekends, watching movies is about as exciting as it gets.  Ask your mate out.

For example, actually call them and ask, "if you do not have any plans for Saturday night, would you like to go to a concert with me?  It is crucial to relationships that they keep the fire alive by enjoying the act of dating.  There are many people in long-term, successful marriages that will tell you they go out on dates every week, which has been a huge bonus for their relationship.
The eyes and heart are interrelated. They are the windows to the soul. What the eyes are fixed on reveals what the heart was already set on.