Friday, January 28, 2011

The Common Problem With Communication Is The Illusion That It Was Successful.

No doubt you know people that want everyone to like them. Is that what you want too?

A few simple phrases that work like magic:

Bond, James Bond

Repeating your own name (it can be your first or your last name, depending on which one you’d want people to remember) when introducing yourself makes the person you’re talking to remember it better.

I’ve heard good things about you

Everyone enjoys being well-known, even if only in a small group of people. By making someone know that others like them, it makes that someone like you back. Also, it will make them curious: ‘what good things?’

I’m looking forward to it

If you have another appointment with someone, whether it’s a business lunch or family reunion, by saying that you look forward to it you’re giving the impression that it’s more than just a routine appointment.

We have something in common

Nothing gives a better connection than having something in common. The same car, the same favourite restaurant or love for a certain kind of music.

Good phrases to use while socialising!

Be Productive And Intenotional.

Taking initiative does not mean being pushy, obnoxious, or aggressive. It does mean recognizing our responsibility to make things happen.

 Successful individuals have an intentional way of doing things, they know what they are doing. They know why they are doing it and they know when to do it.

Don't Listen To Those Voices In Your Head.

People often make life difficult for themselves by indulging in negative thoughts.

These thoughts are often not base don facts but on outdated ideas and assumptions.

Everyone takes on a certain way of thinking about things from an early age.  The values you absorb (unconsciously) while growing up have a decided influence on your behaviour, your feelings and your sense of well being.

You can reset yourself however by asking yourself the following questions whenever a negative thought pops into your head:

How can I know that for sure?
Are there other possibilities?
Does it really matter?
What’s the point of thinking this if I don’t even know if it’s true?
Does this thought make me any happier?
Is it costing me energy unnecessarily?
Is it possible for me to find another – positive – viewpoint for the situation?
What’s in it for me?
It may seem absurdly simple to ask these questions, but then assumptions you’ve grown up with are absurdly