Saturday, May 14, 2011

Graduation Day May 14, 2011 Erskine Theological Seminary Due West, SC

The day has arrived and I am wondering what now? I feel as if I should be doing something else! Don't get it twisted I am happy that God has blessed me and my family to achieve this milestone. I feel that I need to do more! I am never satisfied with where I am at intelluctually so being a perfectionist and somewhat "OCD" I am already thinking about my enrollment in Waldon University to complete my Phd in Psychology. I received my acceptance enrollment letter and welcome packet several months ago. The class schedule is robust and challenging but nothing that I can't handel. So I want to discuss change in this posting as I write from Westminster, South Carolina as I prepare to have my doctorate conferred upon me at 4:00 pm.


When it comes to change, those involved can be divided into four categories:

The ones who welcome the changes with positive feelings
The ones who wait to see what happens without taking an active part in the process
The cynical ones who only give negative criticism
The ones who lose faith and see themselves as victims
Change will start to show positive outcomes when most people belong to the first category – otherwise the change is only superficial: a technical success but not yet integrated in the organization’s every-day life.

It is essential that the critical masses have been reached.

Change will start to show positive outcomes when most people belong to the first category – otherwise the change is only superficial: a technical success but not yet integrated in the organization’s every-day life.

It is essential that the critical masses have been reached.

Change will start to show positive outcomes when most people belong to the first category – otherwise the change is only superficial: a technical success but not yet integrated in the organization’s every-day life.

It is essential that the critical masses have been reached.