Monday, March 12, 2012

"Something Smells"

No-one thinks that their own … smells bad.
It’s human nature to play down your own short-comings.
But if someone irritates you then the opposite is true: their short-comings will appear out-of-proportion in your perception.

When this happens there may be an “allergy” at work.  If you like to carefully consider all angles before coming to a decisions, then you’re irritated by people who act first and ask questions later.  But those people are probably highly irritated by you (“old slow-coach…”).

In cases like this you’re inclined to avoid the other as much as possible.

That’s really a shame.  Because they are the very people – the ones you’re “allergic” to – who can show you where your own pit-falls are.  And that is: to exaggerate the opposite behaviour to the allergic one!

So take the time to reflect on the types of people who irritate you the most. There, in all probability, nestles an allergy, and thus a chance to learn something about yourself.