Sunday, March 6, 2011

You’re Never Too Old To Develop Your Identity

Reflection is the basis for your own development. But reflection doesn’t always come naturally.

Three of the most common reasons why people don’t reflect:

1. The need to focus more on others.

You find it easier or more natural to concentrate on others, and thereby neglect yourself. You’re mainly focused on pleasing other people and have trouble knowing your own limits. Your motto is “After you”. The question is, how long until this gets unhealthy?

2. Lack of rest.

You have a turbulent lifestyle and have trouble ‘standing still’. Resting is so unnatural to you that it would probably make you feel restless! Your motto is “I’m OK, as long as things are happening”.

3.  You’re hesitant to discuss your thoughts and experiences.

This attitude was probably acquired somewhere in your past. The function of it might be protecting yourself from disappointment. The problem is that this attitude works like a self-fulfilling prophecy. By acting in an insecure way, you invite others to do things to you that will confirm your suspicions.

Which behaviour applies to you most?